Monday, 26 January 2009
Introducing TwellyBetting
I must admit it strikes me as a fantastic way to disseminate tips and market opportunities amongst ourselves very quickly.
I would certainly be interested in following your thoughts on the betting markets.
I am sorry for not posting in the last week. I have been very busy at work including the weekend so literally didn't get a chance to post.
Celebrity Big Brother wasn't great for me. I managed lay off some of Verne due to overexposure but still lost some cash on him. I am annoyed because I tried to lay off everything at 1.4's but wasn't taken on - I suspect I have the same problem with Ray Quinn coming up as well!
Big Brother is getting less votes and more unpredictable. I must remember this for the summer.
I will post my Dancing On Ice thoughts later in the week.
Sunday, 18 January 2009
Digital Spy's Contrary Poll

Here is why Verne's price is holding up. The Digital Spy poll is often right. It is also often wrong. We shall see.
CBB: Google Trends Update

Verne's driving stunt was very funny and would have gained a lot of votes. His price will finally start to come down in the next two days.
The series is petering out though. It has been dull.
Wednesday, 14 January 2009
Celebrity Big Brother: Google Trends

The initial spike is to be expected but what stands out is the sustained interest in Coolio. I think a lot of that will be due Gangsta's Paradise being dusted off but he is certainly making an impression which is not always a bad thing.
One to watch out for if he makes the last few as a possible bet for second (if possible - I haven't checked).
Big night for Verne tonight, he has been treading water a little. I am sure I am not the only one concerned with his lack of action. I want him to go out and grab this competition with both hands. The Teddy Bear costume will help. Saying all that, I haven't laid off yet though and he probably offers good value at the moment after his micro drift. Channel 4 are also showing Goldmember in the next week which will help.
Tuesday, 13 January 2009
Dancing On Ice: Early Thoughts
Michael Underwood was frankly poor with no improvement and will go soonish, I have taken a smal loss on him already. Roxanne is my main hope at the moment of a big win. I have also included a gratuitous shot for your perusal (my site traffic doubles with pictures like this).
Is there room for Todd and Coleen? For the moment, yes - but this will change. Todd is no John Sergeant in my opinion. Coleen is going to stay a while, the Loose Women will really push it as well. I have her at 36's-44's.
Eviction predictions soon.
Monday, 12 January 2009
Supertool: Verne Getting Even More Popular
The new techniques results are actually about 2 days behind current events so are no good for instant results which is a shame.
I was thinking of reducing my overexposed position on Verne but may wait a little longer after this - tonights show looks potentially very funny.
Sunday, 11 January 2009
NOTW Poll: Favourite Male

No real surprises here.
The favourite female poll does not have enough votes to comment on - even for this site!
Saturday, 10 January 2009
My New Supertool
I won't be divulging my methods on this because I think it could make me a lot of money and you lot would try it to nab some!
Simulations have revealed success for picking winners in Britain's Got Talent (wow - 40-1), Big Brother, American Idol and X Factor. A little more refinement is needed at the moment though.
This could be a big one. I am very excited about it.
Google Trends For Celebrity Big Brother

I am still big on Verne and happy.
Thursday, 8 January 2009
Celebrity Big Brother Digital Spy Poll
I haven't posted a poll in a while. This is the last four days of the Digital Spy CBB poll plotted on a graph. This poll is notoriously unreliable, but occasionally shows perception changes earlier than anyone else. The DS BB fanatics are quite media savvy and tend to spot things early on. The other thing is that they are contrarians and often oppose favourites for no real reason.
The numbers are very small but the graph may show Terry running out of steam a little. He has been drifting on Betfair today as well. Did I say the numbers are small!
I still can't see Verne losing out.
Tuesday, 6 January 2009
A Nice Rigged Poll For You

However, if you take out Tommy Sheridan I suspect it is fairly accurate at the moment.
I am going to leave my Verne bet running (his price came in again as I promised you it would). The question is whether to back Terry properly - I did a little trading on him the other day on Betfair. I am not. He is getting a lot of exposure this week but may fade a little next week. He will probably continue to get good edits though.
Coolio is starting to grate a little so I will avoid him for now. La Toya will rise in the next few days as well.
If she makes the final night Ulrika could be a good bet for Top Female - I don't think this will happen though.
Sit tight with Verne is still my advice.
The Oscar's 2009 Betting: Special Guest Post
One thing to remember: Academy members nominate in the first instance to get it down to five nominees per category. They then vote again on those five nominees to decide on a winner.
A strong theme for this year’s Oscars could well be that of optimism. In the midst of an economic crisis that has crippled the USA one has a funny feeling that the ‘against all odds’ and feel good films could out. So too could the patriotic vote - the American movie industry needs its films to do well.
Leading Actor
2000 Russell Crowe Gladiator
2001 Denzel Washington Training Day
2002 Adrien Brody The Pianist
2003 Sean Penn Mystic River
2004 Jamie Foxx Ray
2005 Philip Seymour Hoffman Capote
2006 Forest Whitaker The Last King of Scotland
2007 Daniel Day-Lewis There Will Be Blood
Looking at the past eight winners there are definite trends that could point us in the right direction:
* Take out Adrien Brody’s performance in The Pianist and the other seven performances were of strong, larger than life characters - even the Deputy Dog sounding Capote.
* Performances of real life characters won in 04, 05 and 06, suggesting that another for the 2008 winner would be overload.
* After four consecutive winners from films set in the ‘past’, time could be ripe for a contemporary winner.
Leading Actress
2000 Julia Roberts Erin Brokovich
2001 Halle Berry Monster’s Ball
2002 Nicole Kidman The Hours
2003 Charlize Theron Monster
2004 Hillary Swank Million Dollar Baby
2005 Reese Witherspoon Walk The Line
2006 Helen Mirren The Queen
2007 Mario Cotillard La Vie en Rose
Looking at the past eight winners there are definite trends that could point us in the right direction:
* Take out Reese Witherspoon and the other seven winners have all portrayed women with a definite ‘struggle’. Whether they fought against the ‘system’, the law or history, they in essence gave a performance of unexpected strength in the face of adversity in all its forms.
* The last two winners have been historical figures and just like the Leading Actor category, I cannot see them repeating the dose this year. They also both happened to be foreign actresses - again a third in row is very unlikely.
* The last eight winners have also tended to follow a historical (set pre-1990)-contemporary repeating pattern. If the pattern holds true then I’d be looking at a contemporary winner.
Best Picture
2000 Gladiator
2001 A Beautiful Mind
2002 Chicago
2003 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
2004 Million Dollar Baby
2005 Crash
2006 The Departed
2007 No Country for Old Men
Looking at the past eight winners there are definite trends that could point us in the right direction:
* The first thing to notice is that the Best Picture is exactly that - the best film taking into account the some of all its parts. In fact only Million Dollar Baby provided an Oscar for Actor/Actress in a Leading Role - Hillary Swank.
* The last three winners have all been quite graphic, especially the last two in which violence was the running theme. A more serene winner this year?
* From 2001 onwards the winner has tended to be a film in which there is more than one main character, more than one big named actor/actress and certainly from 2002 onwards the portrayal of a ‘multi-character journey’. There’s no real ‘solo’ film where one big named actor/actress dominates in the line up of past winners.So there you have it, some pointers that should help you in your trading of the Oscars. Final nominations are announced on the 22nd January and I'll be back then to apply these key points to the final five in each category, as well as previewing the Oscars for Best Direcor and the Supporting Roles.
Until then keep coming back to for more Dancing On Ice and Celebrity Big Brother news. And if it is sports betting you're interested in then check us out at
Monday, 5 January 2009
Me Maxi Mini-Me Bet!
'On tonight’s show, as part of this week’s shopping task, the housemates will be forced to showcase the talent that made them famous in the first place.'
You just know Verne Troyer will be funny. Coolio does well as well. The rest are just too unpredictable. I think Mini-Me's price will contract further tonight and have rebacked him with a vengeance.
Rumours about Steve Strange going in persist, he is one to back if it happens.
Finally, here's hoping Lucy shows off her talents in the diary room - see left!
Saturday, 3 January 2009
Not Quite 'One Million Dollars....'
I have layed back all my 5-1 (and a little 4-1) at 2.46 on Betfair and have a lovely green book to play with.
His price will probably shorten a little further but I suspect others will look to get out soon on him and I wanted to bank the profit now.
No real data available yet to analyse but it looks to be a great house so far.
Time to get them drunk, Big Brother!
Thursday, 1 January 2009
American Idol Betting: A New Tool

I have used Trendrr on X Factor with mixed results in the past. I still think it is very promising as a TV betting tool. Previously, I had targeted it on Youtube video uploads but now I am going to target Twitter. This microblogging service is starting to really take off in the US and is becoming massive. Trendrr will allow me to count how many times a contestants name is mentioned on Twitter and graph it to monitor as a trend over a period of weeks. It will give very quick updates of popularity.
We shall see when the final 12 American Idol contestants are chosen.
Happy New Year by the way. Roll on Celebrity Big Brother.